Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NASA Space Exploration

There are two missions that are required for the Microsoft BLIINK contest.
One of them is to design a web site for NASA. The other mission is to communicate how the International Space Station benefits all people.
For mission one, your goal is to create introductory Web pages for the ISS, which is the International Space Station, and to inspire other students to become certified flight controllers. For mission two, you are to pick one of the topics that are given, and explain why that source is dependent, and tell everyone about it.

1) Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
2) Who are the possible customers for the site?
3) How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
4) Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
5) How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?

1) Our topic is that why the ISS improved the human race. Anyone should be interested on what ISS did for the human race.
2) I would say everyone is welcome, but maybe people who have interests towards the "Space Station", and NASA, stuff like that.
3) ....Maybe 2-5 pages.
4) Maybe a flash program, including photoshop.
5) Mission that you are working on: 2
Header for the Homepage of your NASA website: International Space Station Title for the homepage: ISS Home index.html (filename for the homepage): Header for page 1: Discoveries and Inventions
Title: ISS Discoveries and Inventions filename (include file ending):discoveries.html
Header for page 2: NASA Research
Title: ISS Research filename (include file ending): research.html
Header for page 3: Using Current Technology to Improve Life
Title: ISS Current Technology filename (include file ending): technology.html Header for page 4: Future Innovations
Title: ISS Future Innovations filename (include file ending): innovations.html Header for page 5: Deep-Space Exploration Title: ISS Deep-Space Exploration filename (include file ending): exploration.html

1) .dwt
2) Currently not right now, but in the near future, yes.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Heavy Metal

The goals of this tutorial are to teach you the basics of using Microsoft Expresion Web and to guide you in building creative, dynamic Web sites from scratch with the design tools that IT professionals use.

Exercise 1: Creating a New Web site

Task 1 is complete. (pg. 6) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. ((pg. 9) time__________ date_________

Exercise 2: Creating Page Layouts with Layers
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 12) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 14) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg.17) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 22) time__________ date_________

Exercise 3: Styling Your Web site Using CSS
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 24) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 25) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 30) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. ((pg. 32) time__________ date_________

Exercise 4: Creating More Pages
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 36) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 44) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 45) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 49) time__________ date_________

Exercise 5: Adding Navigation Controls to your Site
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 51) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 54) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 60) time__________ date_________